Dyke Dive: SwiftOber Fest! a taylor & friends dance party
Sarah Awaka & DJ All the Way Kay
Doors 8:00PM / Show 9:00PM
$5 ADV / $10 DOS
With both the the release of 1989 TV and the Eras Tour Movie, it’s time to celebrate Swift-Ober! It’s sure to be a sing-a-long, dance-off kind of night with DJ Sarah Akawa and Femme Noir. Get ready for it…
8pm - get to know you hour
9pm - dance shoes w/ Sarah Awaka & DJ All the Way Kay
Midnight - hard stop
$5 pre $10 door
no reentry
*Dyke Dive is a catchy title, but is not intended to gender our attendees. All Queers and queer allies are welcome.
*There will be ZERO tolerance for creepers. You will get bounced, no questions asked. If you see something or experience any unwanted touching or advances, report this immediately to a bartender or DJs.